Saturday, May 14, 2011

Picking Up Pieces

Like I didn't warn you it wouldn't be all right,
Like I didn't tell you how hard you'd have to try.
And, now, this is how you live your life?
I can see it all clearly now, why,
I wanted to run away at first, I,
Could see in my heart,
What I fought for was lost,
Still, you were the one who ran away first.
You fled to another, and when that didn't work,
Another after him,
Then a third,
And a fourth,
Till you've run the whole world.
Still, the search must go on.
Why can't I stop thinking of you when I hear that song?
It's like torture,
And I want to torture you.
But I can't.
Because nothing I could do
Would be worse than What you've done to yourself.
You gave up your hopes, and your dreams,
And what else?
These questions are like plagues on my mind;
How could you have run?
When will your search be done?
What could you have been?
And there's always that most despised
word, question, philosophy:
Why do this to me? To yourself? To us?
I hate asking because I always blame me.
Though I know, it as never about me.
Even when we were together.
It was always you, and he, and she,
Your need to be free,
Your wants, hopes, and dreams.
And they're all just pieces now,
Like a puzzle never meant to be put together.
Like us.

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